Change of duration

Changes concerning the traineeship duration

If you want to extend your traineeship or finish it earlier, please send us the completed form for the Change of Duration.

Extension of the traineeship duration

During the ongoing traineeship you may decide to extend the traineeship.
Extension of funding is possible:

  • up to a maximum duration of 6 months per traineeship
  • if the extension is for at least 2 weeks
  • provided that sufficient project funds are still available
  • provided that you do not exceed the prescribed maximum duration of the Erasmus grant

Deadline to appy for additional funds is one month before the original end of your traineehsip.

Once you and your traineeship institution have agreed to prolong your stay, you fill in and sign the Change of Contract and send it via e-mail to the Office for Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt. You will then receive an additional grant instalment if sufficient grants are available. 

Along with the extension of the traineeship period, the deadline for submitting the final report will change accordingly (one month after the new end of the traineeship).

The traineeship ends earlier

In principle, it is possible to end your traineeship earlier than agreed. However, the minimum duration of the traineeship must be two months. Otherwise, the Office for Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt will have to reclaim the entire grant that you have received so far. If you terminate your traineeship  earlier than originally scheduled, you are required to complete and sign the Change of Contract and send it via e-mail to the Office for Erasmus Traineeships Saxony-Anhalt. You will have to refund the grant that has been overpaid. For this, the Office for Erasmus Traineeships will send a request to repay the corresponding amount. As a general rule, the overpaid amount will be set off with the second grant instalment after the completion of the traineeship.

Along with the reduction of the traineeship period, the deadline for submitting the final report changes accordingly (one month after the new end of the traineeship).

Last Modification: 01.08.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster