The VOCAL Project

The content and structure of this Website VOCAL is based on 3 EU funded projects. 

 ProblemSOLVE was a Leonardo da Vinci pilot project funded with the support of the EU Leonardo Da Vinci Programme 2000- 2006 of the European Union. It started in 2003. (IRL/03/B/F/LA-153180)

VOCAL (Vocationally Oriented Culture And Language) was a Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project funded with the support of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007- 2013 of the European Union. This project was based on ProblemSOLVE contents and structure. It started in 2007. (LLP/LdV/TOI/2007/IRL-501)

VOCALMedical was a Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project funded with the support of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme 2007- 2013 of the European Union. This project followed the method and structure of VOCAL, but did not use the contents of VOCAL. It started in 2013. (LLP/LdV/TOI/2-13/IRL-506)

These projects were managed by Tralee Technical Institute in Ireland. The Erasmus-Traineeship Office Saxony-Anhalt was involved and contributed as project partner.

Project Aim

To generate web-based language materials as a practical and innovative pedagogic response to the need for cultural and language preparation in advance of work placements abroad. 

The VOCAL product

This VOCAL website consists of web-based language materials based on six topics of relevance to mobility placements abroad:
Internships:  At work, Travel, Accommodation, Socializing, Emergency and Health.

The VOCAL on-line materials are all provided in English. 

Each topic has the same structure and begins with an Introduction (General Information) and ends with Cultural Information. In the Do’s & Don’ts section practical tips and advice on the destination are provided. Useful Words, Useful Phrases and Dialogues are provided with both the audio and transcript in the language of the destination and also English.

Target Groups

Learners preparing for mobility placements abroad are the main target group addressed. The preparation offered is on the level of both cultural awareness and practical language skills. This cultural and linguistic preparation is achieved by means of key topics which can be undertaken by prospective mobility students accessing the materials on the user-friendly website. The web-based packages take into consideration the various learning styles and the interactive materials provide an autonomous learning environment incorporating authentic contemporary situations in an outside classroom environment.

Research & Quality

All members of the project teams were actively engaged in language teaching, co-ordination of mobility programmes and/or language learning research. In advance of designing the on-line materials, the project partners issued a range of student work placement cohorts with on-line questionnaires in order to gain insight and feedback in relation to student cultural and language requirements for mobility. The purpose was to ensure that the materials generated are relevant and based on student needs. The topics and vocabulary were thoroughly researched and prepared by native speakers and translators. On-going quality control ensured continuity of materials and language levels. Prior to issuing the final product all materials were thoroughly tested by mobility cohorts and their feedback implemented.

Feedback Welcome

All projects benefit from feedback. We welcome comments about the VOCAL Project - please email your comments and feedback to:

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