LITHUANIA | Socializing | Phrases

Nr. Audio Lithuanian English
1 Malonu susipažinti. It is nice to meet you.
2 Ar galima gauti meniu? Can we have a menu?
3 Gal norésite ko nors atsigerti? Would you like something to drink?
4 Grąžą galite pasilikti. You can keep the change.
5 Aš noréčiau paragauti tradicinio lietuviško patiekalo. I would like to try a traditional Lithuanian dish.
6 Man patinka Lietuva. I like Lithuania.
7 Einam išgerti kavos. Let´s go and have some coffee.
8 Gal norétuméte kurią dieną susitikti? Would you like to meet some day?
9 Gal galime apsikeisti telefono numeriais? Could we exchange the telephone numbers?
10 Šiandien aš užimtas. Today I am busy.
11 Noréčiau Jus pakviesti į svečius. I would like to invite you to visit me.
12 Kada prasideda krepšinio varžybos? When does the basketball match start?

Last Modification: 07.06.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster