SPAIN | Internship: At work | Applying for an internship

European CV Model

Compiling a curriculum vitae is a vital stage when seeking a job. The CV is frequently considered the first contact with the future employer; therefore our goal must be to draw the possible employer’s attention in the first few seconds of reading the CV, so that it may lead us to an interview.

Here are some general recommendations to keep in mind before completing a CV:

• Take care when drafting your CV: display your qualifications and competencies in a clear and logical manner in order to highlight your personal values. Do not forget any details, in either form or content (pay special attention to your writing!).

• Concentrate on the essential: a CV should be brief. In most cases two pages are enough to point out a personal profile. If professional work experience is limited, emphasise training periods.

• Adapt your CV to the job you are applying for: highlight your personal advantages for the job vacancy. Warning: don’t exaggerate on your CV, or you could run the risk of being discredited in an interview.

• Respect the structure of the model: the European CV model allows you to display your qualifications and competencies in a logical manner:

- Personal details.

- Professional work experience.

- Education and training courses.

- Detailed description of your competencies, whether obtained through training, through your professional career or through your everyday life.

• Print your curriculum vitae on white paper. Respect the letter format and the suggested shape.

• Avoid a section (for example a formative process itinerary) being split up into two pages (use the function «section break» included in word processors).

• Be clear and concise: reading the CV should enable the employer in a matter of seconds to have an idea of your profile and potential. Therefore:

 - use short sentences;

 - focus on main training and professional experiences;

 - justify your schooling or professional career breaks.

• Check your CV: have a third person look through your CV to make sure the content is clear and easy to understand.

Last Modification: 30.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster