SWEDEN | Emergency | Cultural information
When living in Sweden one needs a "Hemförsäkring", this is a household insurance to insure your possessions from theft. Very often, your landlord, if you rent a room or even a flat, will have insurance to cover damage to your home should there be a fire or if there is a leak that affects neighbors and others.
When driving in Sweden you also must be properly insured. If you have your own car you should take out a special driving insurance, either bring your insurance from your home country that usually is a little more expensive to be valid abroad. If you do not have a car but still want to be able to drive, ask your insurance company to include driving insurance with your household insurance. This insurance covers any damage to you, your car and if you have damaged anything, those costs. Always ask the insurance company to provide you with information in English or in your own language to make sure you understand the terms and can make proper claim if you should need to do so.
Pharmacies in Sweden are indicated by the sign "Apoteket" and are open during normal shopping hours. Pharmacies are also generally open on outside normal hours in lager towns. Pharmacies in Sweden do not normally sell items like cosmetics.