At the restaurant





Bulgarian (български)


Waitress: Добър вечер! Good evening!
Guest: Здравейте, имате ли маса за двама? Good evening, do you have a table for two?
Waitress: Имате ли резервация? Did you make a reservation?
Guest: He. No, I didn’t.
Waitress: Добре. Заповядайте оттук. All right, please follow me.
Guest: Благодаря. Thank you.
Waitress: Ето менюта. Искате ли нещо за пиене? Here you are, the menu. What would you like to drink?
Guest: Две големи водки, кола и сода. We will have two large vodkas, a coke and a soda water.
Waitress: Избрахте ли си? Would you like to order now?
Guest: Да. Една шопска салата и една млечна салата засега. За вечеря искам пилешки крилца с топли зеленчуци, а за приятеля ми – свинска пържола. Към нея  има ли гарнитура? Yes. One Shopska salad and one yoghurt salad for now. And for dinner I’ll have chicken wings with warm vegetables and my friend will have a pork chop. Does it come with something on the side?
Waitress: Само пресни домати, но можете да поръчате допълнително гарнитура. Just some fresh tomatoes, but you can order something else as a side dish.
Guest: Тогава една порция пържени картофи, ако обичате. Then one order of French fries, please.
Waitress: Как беше яденето? How was your meal?
Guest: Много вкусно, благодаря. Very delicious, thank you
Waitress: Добре. Желаете ли десерт, чай или кафе? Ok. Do you want dessert, tea or coffee?
Waitress: Не, благодаря, това е всичко. Може ли сметката, ако обичате? No thanks! We’ll pass on that. Can we have the bill, please?
Guest: Ето, заповядайте. Here you go.

Last Modification: 13.03.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster