GERMANY | Internship: At Work | Applying for an internship

The application process in Germany is very formal, especially when it comes to a real job. By an objective selection process the right person shall be selected whereas personal relationships should not tip the scales.

When applying for an internship, an e-mail with a cover letter and an attached C.V is usually sufficient. You should call the company approximately two weeks later and ask about your application. This shows that you are really interested. Smaller companies do not usually tend to advertise for internships so a speculative application is often successful – especially because there aren’t many applicants!

 If you are looking for a job, you should apply in writing with an application portfolio including your cover letter, your C.V and all relevant references for the job (work and internship references, language certificates, university diploma etc.)

When calling the company or during your interview you should be well prepared to answer questions on your career aspirations, previous work experience and your current activity. You should also be able to explain what you want to learn during your internship and how (with which skills) you can benefit the company. You should know all about the company where you are applying. Answer the questions as accurately and directly as possible. You can pose some questions as well – that shows your interest! You should also talk about your (internship) salary but it should not be the first point that you mention.

Your C.V should be around 1-2 pages long, in chronological order and should be clear and neatly arranged. There should be no gaps in the chronological order which cannot be explained. A photo should be placed at the top of the CV and your original signature at the bottom.

In your cover letter (1-2 pages) you should explain why you are applying for this position and why you are suitable for the job. The reasons should be job orientated (career) rather than personal (I want to move in with my boyfriend). Do not forget to use the title of the person whom you are writing to (Dr, Prof). If you do not have a contact name, write to "Dear Sir or Madam" - „Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren”.

Last Modification: 30.07.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster