GERMANY | Travel | Vocabulary

Nr. Audio German English
1 links left
2 rechts right
3 gegenüber opposite
4 neben next to, beside
5 vor in front of
6 hinter behind
7 geradeaus straight ahead / straight on
8 (die) Kreuzung crossing / crossroads
9 Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof (kurz ZOB) Central Bus Station (German abbr. ZOB)
10 (der) Hauptbahnhof (Abkürzung Hbf) central or main station (German abbr. Hbf)
11 (der) Fahrkartenautomat / (der) Automat ticket machine
12 (der) Schalter ticket counter
13 (der) Bahnsteig / (das) Gleis platform
14 (die) Bushaltestelle bus stop
15 (die) Fahrkarte ticket
16 (die) U-Bahn / (die) S-Bahn underground / suburban train
17 IC (InterCity) / ICE (InterCityExpress) / RB (Regionalbahn) / RE (Regionalexpress) IC (InterCity train) / ICE (InterCityExpress train) / RB (regional train) / RE (regional express train)
18 (der) Mitfahrerrabatt fellow passenger discount
19 (die) Bahncard Railcard
20 (der) Schaffner / (die) Schaffnerin conductor
21 (die) Hinfahrt / (die) Rückfahrt one-way ticket / return ticket
22 (der) Zuschlag supplement(ary ticket)
23 (der) Schienenersatzverkehr substitution bus service
24 (die) Verspätung the train / bus etc. is late / a delay
25 (der) Anschlusszug connecting train / connection
26 (der) Stau jam, traffic jam
27 (die) Autobahn motorway / also: autobahn
28 (der) Bürgersteig pavement
29 (der) Parkplatz carpark / parking lot
30 (der) Fahrradweg bike path / cycleway
31 (der) Zebrastreifen zebra crossing
32 (die) Ampel traffic light
33 (das) Gepäck luggage / baggage

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