SLOVAKIA | Emergency | Phrases

Nr. Audio Slovak English
1 Čo si želáte? What can I do for you?
2 Odkiaľ voláte? Where are you calling from?
3 Môžem vediet’ Vaše meno? Can you give me your name?
4 Musím prezriet’ hlásenia. I have to check the reports.
5 Neznepokojujte sa. Do not worry.
6 Krváca. She is bleeding.
7 Čo sa jej stalo? What happened to her?
8 Pred desiatimi minútami. Ten minutes ago.
9 Rozpustite ich vo vode. Dissolve them in water.
10 Bude to stačiť? Will it be enough?
11 Pozriem sa na to. Let me have a look.
12 Ďalši, prosím. Who is next please?
13 Je parkovisko strážené? Is the parking lot guarded?
14 Kol’ko to bude trvat’? How long will it take?
15 Podpíšte zápisnicu. Sign the report.

Last Modification: 14.06.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster