GERMANY | Accommodation | Cultural information

Rental contract

When moving into a WG, you should also sign a contract. Read it carefully and make sure you understand it.

Rental conditions

Landlords commonly demand a security deposit (usually two months rent) when you move in. When you share an apartment, you pay a deposit in relation to the size of your room or you simply divide the amount of the deposit for the entire apartment by the number of flatmates. When you move out you will get your deposit back. Rent is paid by month. In ads, rent is specified as rent per month.

Waste Management

In Germany, we separate our entire rubbish according to biodegradable rubbish (brown rubbish can), paper (blue), packing stuffs (yellow), and other rubbish (black). Especially as a foreigner, learn the system and do it because in that respect your neighbours might observe you closely.

Last Modification: 17.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster