GERMANY | Accommodation | Vocabulary

Nr. Audio German English
1 (die) Wohnung flat
2 (das) WG-Zimmer shared flat (WG)
3 (der) Mietvertrag tenancy agreement, rental agreement, lease
4 (die) Kaution rent deposit
5 (die) Kaltmiete rent exclusive of heating costs
6 (die) Warmmiete rent plus heating costs
7 (die) Nebenkosten additional costs
8 (die) Stromrechnung electricity bill
9 (der) Vermieter / (die) Vermieterin landlord / landlady
10 (das) Wohnheim hall of residence, dormitory (dorm)
11 (der) Mitbewohner / (die) Mitbewohnerin flatmate
12 (die) Wohnungsanzeige rental ad
13 (die) Wohnungsbesichtigung flat inspection
14 umziehen to move
15 (der) Altbau / (der) Neubau old / new building
16 (der) Hausmeister janitor
17 (die) Kündigungsfrist notice period
18 (die) Wohnungsübergabe transfer / handover of flat
19 (das) Übergabeprotokoll handover protocol
20 (das) Badezimmer bathroom
21 (die) Küche kitchen
22 (das) Wohnzimmer living room
23 (der) Abstellraum storeroom
24 (der) Keller cellar, basement
25 (der) Balkon balcony
26 (der) Flur / (der) Hausflur entrance hall / corridor
27 (die) Dusche shower
28 (das) WC WC / toilet
29 (der) Fahrstuhl lift
30 (das) Doppelzimmer double (room)
31 (un)möbliert (un)furnished

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