GERMANY | Accommodation | DOs and DONT´s


  • report damage to or problems with the apartment to your landlord (broken pipes, etc.), so that he can fix the problem. This is the landlord’s duty.
  • prepare for a WG-meeting and write down questions on a piece of paper that you want to ask your prospective flatmates
  • try to adapt as much as possible to the habits of your flatmates and stick to agreements (e.g. cleaning schedule) when sharing an apartment
  • search thrift stores for furniture.
  • leave the apartment in a decent state (German standards are relatively high in that respect)


  • lose your key. Key replacement services are expensive in Germany, especially on Sunday night.
  • sign the tenancy agreement without reading and understanding it
  • arrive without any kind of accommodation for the first few days (e.g. youth hostel, bed & breakfast, etc.)
  • rent an apartment without knowing what the additional costs are (e.g. electricity, heating, water, garbage, etc.)
  • rent an apartment that you haven’t seen before

Last Modification: 17.09.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster