At the estate agency





Slovak (Slovenský)


Estate agency: Dobrý deň. Čo si želáte? Good afternoon. May I help you?
Trainee: Prišla som kvôli bytu. I am searching for a flat.
Estate agency: Áno, nevolali ste včera? Hľadáte jednoizbový zariadený byt. Pozrime sa...Malo by to byť v centre alebo aj ďalej od centra ? Oh, didn’t you call yesterday? You are searching for a single-room furnished flat. Let’s have a look. Would you like it to be in the centre or outside the centre, which may be a bit further?
Trainee: Je veľký rozdiel v cene? Is there a major difference in price?
Estate agency: V centre sú byty drahšie. Môžem vám však ponúknuť pekný zariadený jednoizbový byt v pokojnej štvrti. The flats in the city centre are more expensive. However, we can offer you a nice single-room furnished flat in a quiet suburb.
Trainee: Ja pracujem v centre mesta. Je to odtiaľ ďaleko ? I am working in the city centre. Is that far from there?
Estate agency: Nie, je to asi 15 minút električkou alebo autobusom, je tam výborné spojenie a obchody sú tiež veľmi blízko. No, it is about 15 minutes by tram or bus. It is well connected with the city centre and shops aren’t far either.
Trainee: To mi vyhovuje. Rada by som si ho pozrela čo najskôr. That sounds fine to me. I would like to see it as soon as possible.

Last Modification: 28.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster