Inspecting a room in a shared flat
Slovak (Slovenský) |
English |
Trainee: | Dobrý deň, v tomto byte je vraj izba na prenájom. Môžem si ju pozrieť? | Hello, I was told you are looking for a roommate. May I see the room that is available? |
Room mate: | Aha, poďte ďalej. Byt má tri izby. Chcete si prezrieť všetky? Ste študent? | Yes, come in, please. The flat has three rooms. Would you like to see all three? Are you a student? |
Trainee: | Áno, som tu na stáži. | Yes, I’m doing a placement. |
Room mate: | Dobre. Poďte, toto je celkom šikovný byt. Každá izba má samostatný vchod, takže nájomníci si nemusia navzájom prechádzať cez izby. | OK, come with me. This is quite a well-situated flat. Every room has only one entrance, so the roommates don’t have to pass through the other rooms. |
Trainee: | Môžem si pozrieť celý byt? | May I see the rest of the flat? |
Room mate: | Samozrejme. Tu je kuchyňa so všetkým vybavením. Je dosť veľká, takže sa tam zmestil jedálenský stôl so stoličkami, takže tu môžete jedávať a nemusíte jedlo nosiť do izby. | Sure. This is the kitchen with all its equipment. It is rather large, and there is a dining table with chairs. You can have your meals in there; you don’t have to eat meals in your room. |
Trainee: | Chcel by som vidieť izbu, v ktorej budem bývať. | I’d like to see the room I am going to move in. |
Room mate: | Poďte prevediem Vás. Ja tu už bývam dlhšie. Býva tu ešte jedno dievča, vychádzame spolu veľmi dobre. | I will show you around. I have lived here for a long period. I have it shared with another girl; I get on with her very well. |
Trainee: | A čo nákupy, upratovanie a varenie? | And what about buying the food, cleaning and cooking? |
Room mate: | Viac-menej sa striedame. Teraz to bude lepšie, rozdelí sa to medzi troch. | We take turns more or less. That will be better now that three of us are going to share. |
Trainee: | To bude celkom fajn. Vy tu bývate spolu od začiatku? | That sounds fine. Have you lived here together from the beginning? |
Room mate: | Áno, nasťahovali sme sa odrazu. Nedostali sme internát, tak sme si našli toto. Na akú dobu si chcete prenajať izbu? | Yes, we moved in at the same time. We did not get accommodation at a student hostel, so we found this. How long do you want to rent it for? |
Trainee: | Na šesť mesiacov. Koľko je nájomné? Čo sa ešte platí? | For six months. How much is the rent? What else do I have to pay? |
Room mate: | Nájomné je 3200 korún mesačne a každý z nás zaplatí 800 mesačne navyše za elektrinu, plyn, odvoz odpadu a televíziu. Mimochodom, ste nefajčiar? | The rent is 3200 Sk per month, and each of us pays 800 Sk a month for electricity, gas, waste disposal and television. By the way, do you smoke? |
Trainee: | Áno, som. Môžem sa nasťahovať ešte dnes? | No, I don’t. Can I move in now? |
Room mate: | Lepšie by bolo až zajtra, aby sme Vám uvoľnili nejaké police a skrinku v chodbe. Trochu sme sa tu rozťahovali, tak to trochu musíme usporiadať. | It would be better if you moved in tomorrow, as we want to clear out some shelves and a wardrobe in the hall. We used all the free space here, so we have to organise it. |
Trainee: | Dobre, tak prídem zajtra. | OK, I will come tomorrow. |
Room mate: | Dovidenia, zajtra. | See you tomorrow. |