Inspecting a room in a shared flat

Showing flat




Slovak (Slovenský)


Trainee: Dobrý deň, v tomto byte je vraj izba na prenájom. Môžem si ju pozrieť? Hello, I was told you are looking for a roommate. May I see the room that is available?
Room mate: Aha, poďte ďalej. Byt má tri izby. Chcete si prezrieť všetky? Ste študent? Yes, come in, please. The flat has three rooms. Would you like to see all three? Are you a student?
Trainee: Áno, som tu na stáži. Yes, I’m doing a placement.
Room mate: Dobre. Poďte, toto je celkom šikovný byt. Každá izba má samostatný vchod, takže nájomníci si nemusia navzájom prechádzať cez izby. OK, come with me. This is quite a well-situated flat. Every room has only one entrance, so the roommates don’t have to pass through the other rooms.
Trainee: Môžem si pozrieť celý byt? May I see the rest of the flat?
Room mate: Samozrejme. Tu je kuchyňa so všetkým vybavením. Je dosť veľká, takže sa tam zmestil jedálenský stôl so stoličkami, takže tu môžete jedávať a nemusíte jedlo nosiť do izby. Sure. This is the kitchen with all its equipment. It is rather large, and there is a dining table with chairs. You can have your meals in there; you don’t have to eat meals in your room.
Trainee: Chcel by som vidieť izbu, v ktorej budem bývať. I’d like to see the room I am going to move in.
Room mate: Poďte prevediem Vás. Ja tu už bývam dlhšie. Býva tu ešte jedno dievča, vychádzame spolu veľmi dobre. I will show you around. I have lived here for a long period. I have it shared with another girl; I get on with her very well.
Trainee: A čo nákupy, upratovanie a varenie? And what about buying the food, cleaning and cooking?
Room mate: Viac-menej sa striedame. Teraz to bude lepšie, rozdelí sa to medzi troch. We take turns more or less. That will be better now that three of us are going to share.
Trainee: To bude celkom fajn. Vy tu bývate spolu od začiatku? That sounds fine. Have you lived here together from the beginning?
Room mate: Áno, nasťahovali sme sa odrazu. Nedostali sme internát, tak sme si našli toto. Na akú dobu si chcete prenajať izbu? Yes, we moved in at the same time. We did not get accommodation at a student hostel, so we found this. How long do you want to rent it for?
Trainee: Na šesť mesiacov. Koľko je nájomné? Čo sa ešte platí? For six months. How much is the rent? What else do I have to pay?
Room mate: Nájomné je 3200 korún mesačne a každý z nás zaplatí 800 mesačne navyše za elektrinu, plyn, odvoz odpadu a televíziu. Mimochodom, ste nefajčiar? The rent is 3200 Sk per month, and each of us pays 800 Sk a month for electricity, gas, waste disposal and television. By the way, do you smoke?
Trainee: Áno, som. Môžem sa nasťahovať ešte dnes? No, I don’t. Can I move in now?
Room mate: Lepšie by bolo až zajtra, aby sme Vám uvoľnili nejaké police a skrinku v chodbe. Trochu sme sa tu rozťahovali, tak to trochu musíme usporiadať. It would be better if you moved in tomorrow, as we want to clear out some shelves and a wardrobe in the hall. We used all the free space here, so we have to organise it.
Trainee: Dobre, tak prídem zajtra. OK, I will come tomorrow.
Room mate: Dovidenia, zajtra. See you tomorrow.

Last Modification: 28.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster