Inspecting the place to let

Inspecting flat




Slovak (Slovenský)


Landord: Tak nech sa páči, poďte ďalej. Ja som majiteľka bytu. Come in, please. I am the owner of this flat.
Trainee: Ďakujem. Som rád, že Vás spoznávam. Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you.
Landord: Dúfam, že sa Vám byt bude páčiť. I hope you will like the flat.
Trainee: Určite, pôsobí to tu dobrým dojmom. Trochu som si obhliadol okolie. Vyzerá to tu pokojne, ale zato živo. I am quite sure I will. I have also looked around the neighbourhood, and I have a very good impression. It looks quiet but pleasant around here.
Landord: Toto je celkom dobrá štvrť. Je staršia, takže stromy sa tu už rozrástli, je tu veľa zelene. A aj obchody sú celkom blízko, keď narýchlo niečo potrebujete. Mimochodom, za cestou je nemocnica s poliklinikou a sú tu až dve lekárne. Dúfam, že ich nebudete potrebovať. This is a rather good suburb. It is older, the trees have grown and now it is quite attractive around this house. The shops are close too if you need something fast. By the way, on the other side of the road there is a hospital with a health centre and two pharmacies. Well, I hope you won’t need them.
Trainee: Môžete mi teda ukázať byt? Could you show me around the flat?
Landord: Samozrejme, prejdite. Nie je veľký, ale je pohodlný. Tu napravo je kuchyňa. Je pomerne malá, ale máte tu všetko, čo potrebujete - sporák, chladničku s mrazničkou, je tu mikrovlnka a aj elektrická kanvica. Sure, come with me. It is not large, but comfortable. The kitchen is here on the right. It is rather small, but everything you need is there – a cooker, a fridge and a freezer, a microwave oven and an electric kettle.
Trainee: Ak sa niečo pokazí, kto zaplatí za opravu ? Zdá sa mi, že spotrebiče sú staršie. Who will pay for repairs, if something breaks down? I think the appliances are rather old.
Landord: Ak sa niečo pokazí pri bežnom používaní, opravu hradím ja, ak škodu spôsobíte vlastnou nedbanlivosťou, tak to budete musieť uhradiť. If you use them in a normal way and they break down, I will pay for the repair, but if the damage is caused by your negligence, you will have to pay for that.
Trainee: Izba vyzerá priestranne, dokonca sú tu dve postele. Mohli by sme tu bývať aj dvaja ? The room seems quite large; there are two beds. Could I share the flat with someone?
Landord: Mohli, len v tom prípade budete platiť vyššiu zálohu za spotrebu vody, elektriky a plynu. Ale nebude to oveľa vyššia suma. Yes, you could. In that case you will have to pay a higher deposit for the consumption of water, electricity and gas. But it will not be much higher.
Trainee: Tak to je fajn. Zmluvu pripraví realitná kancelária ? That’s fine. Will the real estate agency write out the contract?
Landord: Áno, keď bude hotová, stretneme sa tam a podpíšeme ju. Yes. When it is ready, we can meet in their office to sign it.

Last Modification: 28.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster