Doctor´s appointment





Slovak (Slovenský)


  Volanie záchranky Calling the ambulance
Student: Dobrý večer, mohli by ste nám poslať sanitku? Priateľka si porezala nohu. Krváca a nemôže chodiť. Good evening, could you send an ambulance? My friend has cut her leg. She is bleeding and cannot move.

Pošlem vám sanitku. Dajte mi prosím Vaše meno a adresu.

Čo sa jej stalo?

I will send you an ambulance. Can you give me your name and address, please.

What happened to her?

Student: Fľaša vína spadla zo stola a prerezala jej nohu. Pred desiatimi minútami. A bottle of wine fell off the table and cut her leg, ten minutes ago.
Emergency: So sanitkou príde aj lekár. Pripravte si občiansky preukaz a poisťovaciu kartičku. A doctor will come with the ambulance. Prepare to show her identity and insurance card.
Student: Ona je cudzinka. Má len pas a európsky zdravotný preukaz. Bude to stačiť? She is a foreigner. She only has her passport and European Health Insurance Card. Will they be enough?
Emergency: Áno. Hovorí po slovensky? Yes. Does she speak Slovak?
Student: Nie, ja s ňou pôjdem do nemocnice. No, I will go with her to the hospital.




Slovak (Slovenský)


  V nemocnici In the hospital
Student: Moja priateľka, je v izbe. Mala nehodu. My friend is in the room. She had an accident.
Doctor: Pozriem sa na to. Zdá sa, že je v bezvedomí. Rana je otvorená. Stratila veľa krvi. Let me have a look. She seems unconscious. The injury is open. She has lost a lot of blood.
Student: Áno, nevedel som, čo robiť. Len som položil na nohu obväz. Yes, I did not know what to do. I only put a bandage on her leg.
Doctor: Teraz musím zastaviť krvácanie a musí byť prevezená na nosidlách na kliniku. Now I must stop the bleeding, and she must be carried into the clinic on a stretcher.
Student: Je to vážne? Is it serious?
Doctor: Stratila krv, ale zranenie nie je veľmi hlboké. Zošijeme to a môže ísť domov. Ale vy ste bledý. Nepotrebujete aj Vy záchrannú zdravotnú službu? Dám Vám recept. Vyberte si ho v nemocničnej lekárni, keď budete na ňu čakať. She has lost blood, but the injury is not very deep. We will stitch it up, and she can go home. But you look pale. Don’t you need emergency treatment, too? I will give you a prescription. Pick it up at the hospital pharmacy when you are waiting for your friend.
Student: Dobre, ďakujem. Ok, thank you.




Slovak (Slovenský)


  V lekárni At the pharmacy
Pharmacist: Ďalší, prosím. Who is next please?
Student: Ja. Mám tento recept. Me, I have this prescription.
Pharmacist: Ďakujem. Môžem vidieť Vašu kartu poistenca? Thank you. Can you show me your Health Insurance Card?
Student: Nech sa páči. Here you are.
Pharmacist: Tak, budete brať trikrát denne tieto tabletky. Now, you have to take these tablets three times a day.
Student: Mám ich prehltnúť alebo cmúľať? Shall I swallow or suck them?
Pharmacist: Rozpustiť vo vode a vypiť. Dissolve them in water and drink it down.
Student: Mohol by som dostať jeden obväz a niečo proti bolesti hlavy? Could I get one bandage and something for headaches?

Áno. Môžem Vám ponúknuť ibuprofen.

Ešte niečo?

Yes. I can offer you ibuprofen.

Anything more?

Student: Koľko platím? No thanks.
Pharmacist: Za predpísané lieky nič, ibuprofen a obväz 96 korún. Prescribed pills cost nothing; the ibuprofen and bandage are 96 crowns.

Last Modification: 28.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster