Calling the police - A robbery

Police station




Slovak (Slovenský)


Policeman: Čo si želáte? How can I help you?
Student: Chcem ohlásiť škodu na aute. Niečo mi poškodilo karosériu na aute. Teraz stojím pred hotelom Fórum. Na parkovisku. I would like to report damage to my car. Something crashed into the body of my car. I am now standing in front of the hotel Forum at the parking lot.

Dobre, zostaňte na mieste. O pol hodiny prídeme obhliadnuť a odfotografovať Vaše auto.

Je auto poistené?

Okay, stay with your car where you are. In half an hour we will come to examine and take photographs of your car.

Is your car insured?

Student: Samozrejme, preto vás volám. Of course, that is why I am calling you.
Policeman: Potrebujete potvrdenie pre poisťovňu? Do you need a confirmation for insurance company?
Student: Áno, potrebujem. Yes, I do.
Policeman: Videli ste auto, ktoré do Vás narazilo? Did you see the car that crashed into your car?
Student: Nie, vyšla som z hotelovej reštaurácie a keď som prišla k autu všimla som si poškodenú karosériu. Poobzerala som sa dookola, ale nič. Len dvere boli narazené. Neboli otvorené a nič nezmizlo. No, I came out of the hotel restaurant, and when I came to my car I noticed the damaged body. I looked around but saw nothing. Only the door was damaged. It was not opened, and nothing was stolen.
Policeman: Máte svedkov? Were there any witnesses?
Student: Nie. Len priateľov, ktorí vyšli so mnou. My friends came out with me and saw that.
Policeman: Je parkovisko strážené? Is the parking lot guarded?
Student: Myslím, že áno, kamerou z hotelovej haly. I think so, from the hotel lobby, with a camera.
Policeman: Treba vidieť záznam. We will need to look at the records.
Student: Dobre. Ja počkám tu na parkovisku. Yes. OK. I will stay at the parking place.
Policeman: Na kamere nebolo nič vidieť. Poďme rovno na policajnú stanicu. There was nothing visible on the camera. Let us go directly to the police station.
Student: Aké doklady si mám vziať so sebou? What papers shall I take with me?
Policeman: Občiansky preukaz, vodičský preukaz a technický preukaz Vášho auta. Your identity card, driving license and the log book of your car.
Student: Koľko to bude trvať? How long will that take?
Policeman: Neviem predvídať, koľko prípadov máme nahlásených. Musíme urobiť zápisnicu o nehode. I cannot predict how many cases have been reported. We have to write the accident report.
Student: Je policajná stanica ďaleko odtiaľto? Is the police station far from here?
Policeman: Nie je veľmi ďaleko. Je to tá budova priamo pred nami. Poďte za mojím autom. Pred policajnou stanicou je malé parkovisko. Môj kolega príde vyšetriť poškodenie. Potom prídete do mojej kancelárie podpísať zápisnicu.

Not very far. It is that building directly in front of us. You can follow my car.

In front of the police station, there is a small parking lot. My colleague will come to investigate the damage. Then you will come to my office to sign the report.


Student: Ďakujem za pomoc. Teraz musím zatelefonovať domov, aké papiere potrebujem pre poisťovňu. Thank you for your help. Now I have to phone home about what kind of papers I need for the insurance.

Last Modification: 16.05.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster