At the airport
Slovak (Slovenský) |
English |
Foreign passanger: | Prepáčte, je toto správne miesto na vyzdvihnutie batožiny? | Excuse me, is this the right place to pick up my luggage? |
Airport service: | Áno, iste! | Yes, sure. |
Foreign passenger: | Už čakám 20 minút a stále žiadna batožina. | I have been waiting for 20 minutes already and there still is no luggage. |
Airport service: | Možno Vaša batožina ešte nebola vyložená. Toto je malé letisko a niekedy batožina mešká. | Your luggage has probably not yet been unloaded. This is a small airport and sometimes there are delays with luggage. |
Foreign passenger: | A kde sa môžem informovať? | Where can I get some information? |
Airport service: | Druhé dvere vpravo. Tam sú reklamácie batožiny. | The second door on the right. The baggage claim is located there. |
Foreign passenger: | Je tu nejaká informačná kancelária, kde môžem dostať mapu mesta? | Is there an information office where I can get a map of the town? |
Airport service: | Sledujte piktogramy s označením "východ". Choďte rovno cez dvere von. Tam si môžete kúpiť mapu v kiosku. Informačná kancelária pre turistov je len v centre mesta. | Follow the sign marked “EXIT”. Go straight ahead through the door. You can buy a map at the kiosk there. The only tourist information office is in the centre of the town. |
Foreign passenger: | A ako sa dostanem do centra? | And how I can get to the centre? |
Airport service: | Pred budovou letiska naľavo uvidíte zastávku autobusu. Autobus odchádza každých 15 minút. | The bus stop is outside the airport building on the left. The bus leaves every 15 minutes. |
Foreign passenger: | Ten autobus ide rovno do centra? | Is there a direct bus service to the centre? |
Airport service: | Nie. | No. |
Foreign passenger: | Mám ubytovanie v hoteli Kyjev v centre mesta. Ako sa dostanem do môjho hotela? Musím prestupovať? | I have accommodation at the hotel Kyjev in the city centre. How can I get to my hotel? Do I have to change buses? |
Airport service: | Na autobusovej stanici musíte prestúpiť z autobusu na trolejbus. Trolejbus stojí na tej istej zastávke ako autobus. | You have to change from the bus to a trolleybus at the bus station. The trolleybus stops at the same stop as your bus. |
Foreign passenger: | Bude mi platiť hodinový cestovný lístok, keď prestúpim na trolejbus? | Will my one-hour ticket be valid if I change to the trolleybus? |
Airport service: | Áno, platí 60 minút vo všetkých dopravných prostriedkoch. | Yes, it is valid for 60 minutes for all means of public transport. |
Foreign passenger: | Ďakujem! | Thank you! |
Airport service: | Dovidenia a dúfam, že sa Vám tu bude páčiť. | Good-bye, and I hope you enjoy your stay. |
Foreign passenger: | Dovidenia. | Goodbye. |