At the railway station

Train station




Slovak (Slovenský)


  V pokladni At the ticket office
Foreign passenger: Dobré ráno, môžete mi povedať, kedy odcháza najbližší vlak Poprad-Tatry? Good morning, can you please tell me when the next train to Poprad-Tatry leaves?
Railway service: Jeden ide o dvadsať minút. There is one leaving in 20 minutes.
Foreign passenger:


Kedy príde vlak Poprad-Tatry do Starého Smokovca?

Thank you.

When does the train to Poprad-Tatry arrive at Stary Smokovec?

Railway service: Celá cesta z Bratislavy do Smokovca trvá približne päť hodín. Skutočné príchody a odchody sú na informačnej tabuli v hlavnej hale. The journey from Bratislava to Smokovec takes about 5 hours. Accurate departures and arrivals are on the information screen in the main hall.
Foreign passenger: Ide vlak priamo do Smokovca? Is it a direct train to Smokovec?
Railway service: Nie, musíte prestúpiť v Poprade. No, you have to change at Poprad.
Foreign passenger: Má meškanie? Is there any delay?
Railway service: Áno, doteraz je to asi pol hodiny. Yes, about half an hour at the moment.
Foreign passenger: Na ktoré nástupište príde? Which platform will it arrive at?
Railway service: Nástupište 7. Platform No. 7.
Foreign passenger: Tak jeden lístok do Starého Smokovca, prosím. Then one ticket to Starý Smokovec, please.
Railway service: Jednosmerný alebo spiatočný? One way or return?
Foreign passenger: Jednosmerný. Potrebujem miestenku? One way. Do I need a seat reservation?
Railway service: Nie, ale je lepšie, ak ju máte? It is not necessary, but it is better to have it.
Foreign passenger: Dobre, tak jeden lístok s miestenkou. Ok, one ticket and a seat reservation.
Railway service: Prvú, alebo druhú triedu? First or second class?
Foreign passenger: Druhú. Mám medzinárodný študentský preukaz. Môžem mať zľavu? Second. I have an International Student Card. Is there a discount?
Railway service: Ak máte ISIC kartu alebo EURO 26 máte 20-percentnú zľavu. If you have an ISIC card or EURO 26, you can get a 20% discount.
Foreign passenger: Koľko to bude? How much is it?
Railway service: 360 korún, alebo 7 Eur. 360 crowns, or 7 Euro.
Foreign passenger: Ďakujem, dovidenia. Thank you, goodbye!

Last Modification: 28.01.2025 - Contact Person: Webmaster