Discussing a reference with your boss
Slovak (Slovenský) |
English |
Supervisor: | Ako istotne viete, blíži sa koniec vašej skúšobnej lehoty. Ako ste v našej firme spokojná? | Your probation period is coming to end. How do you like it in our company? |
Trainee: | Práca sa mi páči, je to tu veľmi dynamické. | I like the job here, it is very dynamic. |
Supervisor: | Pri vašom nástupe sme sa dohodli na pláne zapracovania nového pracovníka. | At the beginning of your employment we agreed the new employee integration plan. |
Trainee: | Áno, mám ho pri sebe. | Yes, I’ve got it with me. |
Supervisor: | Tak sa naňho pozrime. V prvom rade sa pozrieme na školenia, ktorými musí prejsť každý nový pracovník. | So, let’s have a look at it. First of all, we have to look at the trainings every new employee has to go through. |
Trainee: | Absolvovala som poldňové školenie, kde som získala informácie o štruktúre firmy a jej výrobkoch, potom školenie bezpečnosti práce a školenie pre prácu na počítačovej sieti. | I took part in a half-day training where I acquired information on the company structure and its products, then labour safety training as well as the IT infrastructure training. |
Supervisor: | Tak mi ukážte formulár. Vidím, že všetky povinné školenia ste absolvovali. Poďme teda k vašej náplni práce. Aké boli vaše úlohy počas skúšobnej lehoty? | OK, show me you form then. I can see that you went through all obligatory trainings. Let’s get to your work plan. What were your tasks within the probation period? |
Trainee: | Pripravila som a rozoslala podklady agentúre pre novú televíznu reklamu na zimnú sezónu. | I prepared and sent out briefing materials to the agency for a new TV commercial for winter season. |
Supervisor: | Fajn, boli ste aj v teréne s pracovníkmi obchodu? | Fine. Have you been on market visit with our sales department? |
Trainee: | Áno, kontrolovali sme vystavenie našich propagačných materiálov. | Yes, we checked if our promo-materials have been displayed. |
Supervisor: | Ako zvládate prácu pod tlakom a v časovom strese a časté nadčasy? | How do you manage working under stress and time pressure and often overtime? |
Trainee: | Nevadí mi to, lebo je to veľmi zaujímavá práca a veľa som sa naučila o najnovších trendoch nadlinkovej a podlinkovej komunikácie. | I don’t mind as the job is very interesting and I learned a lot about the new trends in above the line and below the line communication. |
Supervisor: | Áno, viem, všetci vás chvália. Ako sa cítite v našom tíme? | I know. The team likes you. And how do you feel in our team? |
Trainee: | V tejto pozícii sa cítim veľmi dobre. Skutočne splnila moje očakávania. | I feel very excited in my current role. It has fulfilled my expectations. |
Supervisor: | Takže zrejme chcete i naďalej pracovať pre našu firmu. | That means you want to continue working for our company. |
Trainee: | Veľmi rada, lebo je to jednak zaujímavá práca a je tu aj dobrý kolektív. | I’ll be glad, because the job is interesting and the team is nice as well. |