Applying for an internship
Slovak (Slovenský) |
English |
Interviewer: | Dobrý deň. Vy ste pán Majerský? Určite ste prišli na pracovný pohovor. | Good morning. You are Mr. Majersky, aren’t you? You have obviously come to the work interview. |
Trainee: | Dobrý deň. Áno, podľa e-mailu som mal prísť na pol desiatu. | Good morning. Yes, according to the e-mail I received I need to be here at half past nine. |
Interviewer: |
Nech sa páči, vojdite. Pán riaditeľ vás už čaká. Pán riaditeľ, toto je pán Majerský, absolvent Fakulty manažmentu. |
Come in, please. Our director is waiting for you. Mr. Kardos, this is Mr. Majersky, a graduate from the Faculty of Management. |
Mr. Kardos: | Teší ma, Kardoš. Nech sa páči, sadnite si. | Pleased to meet you. Kardos is my name. Take a seat please. |
Trainee: | Dobrý deň. Ďakujem. | Good morning. Thank you. |
Interviewer: | Tak vy ste absolventom Fakulty manažmentu. Na čo konkrétne bolo zamerané vaše štúdium? | OK, so you are a graduate from the Faculty of Management. What exactly were your studies aimed at? |
Trainee: | Na marketing a marketingovú komunikáciu, preto by som rád aj vo vašej firme pracoval na tomto oddelení. | Marketing and marketing communication, that’s the reason I would like to work in your company in this branch. |
Interviewer: | Už ste v tejto oblasti niekedy pracovali? | Have you worked in this branch yet? |
Trainee: | Áno, počas štúdia som v lete pracoval v marketingovej agentúre a pomáhal som pri marketingovom výskume. Vyhodnocoval som údaje pre mesačný omnibusový prieskum. | Yes, during my studies I took a summer job in a marketing agency and assisted in marketing research. I evaluated the data for a monthly omnibus research. |
Interviewer: | Pracovali ste aj pre konkrétneho zákazníka? | Did you work for a specific customer? |
Trainee: | Áno, pracoval som pre Jacobs-Suchard, teda výrobcu rýchloobrátkového tovaru. | Yes, I worked for Jacobs-Suchard, the producer of fast moving consumer goods. |
Interviewer: | A čo ste konkrétne robili? | What exactly did you do? |
Trainee: | Pracoval som v telefonickom centre ako operátor telefonického prieskumu pomocou počítača. Okrem toho som zaisťoval kontakt s klientom a pripravoval pre neho mesačné výkazy. | I worked in a call centre as a computer assisted telephone interview operator. Besides this I maintained contacts with the client and prepared monthly progress reports. |
Mr. Kardos: | Takže nejakú prax máte, čo je pozitívne. Keďže sme zahraničná firma, zaujímalo by ma, na akej úrovni viete komunikovať po anglicky. | That means you have some experience, which is positive. As we are a foreign company, I’d like to know about the level of your English communication skills. |
Trainee: | Na Fakulte manažmentu sme mali povinne 6 semestrov anglický a nemecký jazyk a každý rok bolo treba zložiť skúšku, takže s komunikáciou v angličtine alebo nemčine nemám problémy. | There were six semesters of compulsory English and German classes at the Faculty of Management and we had to pass an exam each year, so I haven’t got any problems with the communication in either of them. |
Interviewer: | V našej firme budete potrebovať najmä angličtinu, bežne treba vybavovať telefonáty po anglicky, reagovať na e-maily a samozrejme aj priamo komunikovať s kolegami zo zahraničia. | You will need English in our company, make phone calls and answer them, write e-mails and of course directly talk to our colleagues from abroad. |
Trainee: | S tým počítam a nemyslím si, že by som s tým mal problémy. Celkove rád komunikujem s ľuďmi, či už s našimi alebo s cudzincami. | I thought so and I don’t think I might have any problems with this. Actually, I like talking to people and it doesn’t matter whether they are our nationals or foreigners. |
Mr. Kardos: | Boli ste niekedy dlhšie v anglicky hovoriacej krajine? | Have you ever been to an English speaking country for a longer period? |
Trainee: | V rámci work and travel som bol počas štúdia dvakrát v USA. | When I was a student I went to the USA twice with the Work and Travel. |
Mr. Kardos: | Čo konkrétne ste robili? | What exactly did you do there? |
Trainee: | Ako väčšina študentov, všeličo. Jeden rok sa mi dokonca podarilo zohnať miesto v reklamnej agentúre. Robil som tam síce len rôzne pomocné práce, ale dosť som sa tam toho naučil a zdokonalil som sa v angličtine. | As most students, I took various jobs. One year I even got a position in an advertising company. Although I mainly assisted to more experienced colleagues, I learned a lot there and substantially improved my English. |
Interviewer: | Tak to by zatiaľ stačilo. | It’s sufficient so far. |
Mr. Kardos: | Ďakujem pán Majerský, výsledok pohovoru Vám dáme vedieť do štrnástich dní. | Thank you, Mr. Majersky, we will let you know within 14 days if you were selected or not. |